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Change your booking
service card

Stay flexible even if plans change

You can’t make your flight? Depending on the Flex option you selected, change it up to 40 minutes before departure:


  • Standard: Change your booking for a fee of 60 € / £51

  • Flex Light: Change your booking once free of charge

  • Flex Premium: Change or cancel your flight without limits or charges

Did you book a flight with another airline through Eurowings?

Unfortunately, booking changes for flights with other airlines cannot be made through Eurowings’ online services. You can find more information here.

Did you book through a tour operator?

If you booked your flight through a tour operator or travel agent, please contact the tour operator or agent directly.

Frequently asked questions about: Rebooking
  • You have the option to book additional services until online check-in closes. Additional services include, for example, baggage, pet transportation, seat reservations, and assistance for passengers with special needs.

    Fare upgrades are also possible at a later date. Simply book conveniently under My Trip up to 72 hours before departure. For upgrades to BIZclass, please contact customer service or go to the airport counter.

    To manage your Eurowings flight booking and add additional services, please log in on the "Book additional services" page with your last name and booking code. Here you can view your itinerary and add services for a fee. You will then receive an updated booking confirmation.

    Reserve a seat by opening your booking under "My trip" and navigating to the "Manage booking" section. Using "Book seat", you can then reserve a seat at your convenience. Should you decide not to reserve a seat, one will be assigned to you automatically at check-in.

    Please note that once you have booked additional services, they cannot be cancelled.

  • Starting 26 October, 2023, if you have selected the SMART or BIZclass fare, you can add Flex Light or Flex Premium during the booking whenever it is available.

    Flex Light is an option that you can add to your booking for only 10 € / £9 / 9 CHF / $11 / 247 CZK / 118 SEK / 113 NOK / 75 DKK / 44 PLN / 3.879 HUF / 40 AED (plus difference to the current airfare), per flight. With Flex Light, you can make one booking change up to 40 minutes before departure. Free cancellation is not possible with Flex Light.

    Flex Premium offers you maximum freedom and flexibility. This option lets you change your bookings as often as you like. Cancellations are also free.

    Flex Light and Flex Premium at a glance

    Flex Light
    Flex Premium
    Select service when booking and change your booking free of charge once
    Select service when booking and change your booking free of charge as often as you like
    Rebook the date and time once up to 40 minutes before departure
    Rebook date and time free of charge up to 40 minutes before departure

    Free cancellation

    not included

    Free cancellation included

    *Flights booked before 26 October 2023 can be rebooked without charge as often as you like.