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HanseMerkur travel insurance
Benefit from tailored insurance products from our partner HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung. You can select insurance directly while booking your next flight. Or have you already booked a flight? Then you can take out the right insurance cover here, so that you don’t encounter any nasty surprises on your next trip.
Our insurance products for you:
Full travel protection incl. COVID-19 coverage
Cancellation protection incl. COVID-19 coverage
You can find more information about our insurance products here:
Initial travel insurance information
We offer advice in the framework of our travel protection brokering activity.
For this activity we receive commissions as well as other contributions that are already included in the insurance premium.
IHK-Registrierungsnummer: D-FA0Q-NG3V0-49
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 180 600 5850
(Landline price EUR 0.20/call; mobile prices maximum EUR 0.60/call)
Register can be accessed at Broker Register.
Complaints office in the event of disputes with insurance companies or intermediaries:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Postfach 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin