What do travellers with pre-existing conditions need to know when flying? How should they carry necessary medication with them? And what are the best ways to protect against illnesses when travelling or to prepare for different climates abroad? The health and safety of our passengers is our utmost priority. That's why we've provided you with detailed information on all the relevant topics for healthy travelling and flying.
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General information
Taking medication during a flight
Flying during pregnancy
Air travel fitness and medical clearance to fly
Eurowings may deny the carriage of passengers on grounds of their physical condition, a pre-existing condition or the state of their health. Alternatively, Eurowings may first require assessment of a passenger's air travel fitness. Such an assessment of their air travel fitness after certain illnesses (for instance, a stroke or lung disease), injuries incurred from an accident or when suffering from a chronic ailment is undertaken by Eurowings' medical service.
Please contact our customer service should you still be unsure after consulting the table below as to whether you require medical clearance to fly with your specific illness.
Frequent fliers with reduced air travel fitness
If you are a regular flier, the Frequent Traveller's Medical Card (FREMEC) offers increased convenience. The card has been specially created for frequent fliers with reduced air travel fitness and has all the important information for your care. This replaces the Medical Information Form (MEDIF), which must be completed by passengers each time they fly.
Your personal service package is also based on the information held by FREMEC. Please quote your card number in our contact form with every booking request so that we may make all the necessary preparations for you.
FREMEC is accepted by all airlines who are members of IATA. The card can be applied for from Eurowings' customer service. The card's validity is determined by our doctors, based on your health records.
Travelling with a pre-existing condition
There are many causes for allergies and intolerances. These cannot be completely excluded, even on board an airplane.
On-board air filtration
Passengers who suffer from allergies to cat hair or house dust experience relief from the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration used on board. The filtration system adds a maximum of 40–50% outside air to the air circulating the cabin. The minimum fresh air quantity and the pore diameter of the filters are prescribed by the approval regulations for the type of aircraft.
Important information for people allergic to nuts:
We generally offer nuts and products containing nuts, or which may contain traces of nuts, on board our flights.
Therefore, we cannot guarantee that our airplanes are free of nuts or nut products. It is also possible that other passengers bring products containing nuts on board, as well as other foods that may cause allergies.
In the event of a reaction or an allergic shock, our medically trained personnel on board the plane are ready to provide assistance.
Any medication or aids required in the event of an allergic reaction must be brought on board by you.1
Furthermore, if you suffer from a nut allergy, you may contact our crew on board at any time.
At your request, our crew will make an announcement to the cabin, drawing attention to the difficulties of your allergy and asking our passengers to refrain from eating products containing nuts. To help facilitate a relaxing flight for you, we will refrain from selling products containing nuts. Please note, however, that we are unable to forbid other passengers from eating nuts, and their consideration is purely voluntary.
Should you have any questions regarding allergies before your flight, please contact our customer service.
If you are fitted with a pacemaker, you must present a medical certificate at the security gate. You can obtain such a certificate from your doctor. Before your journey, please also inform yourself about the possible risks associated with airline travel, such as the use of full body scanners at security gates.
Respiratory problems
Passengers suffering from respiratory illnesses are permitted to carry their own oxygen system on board. Please inform our customer service by email at least 72 hours before your flight to ensure provision. Your air travel fitness must also be verified before the flight.
Sleep apnoea & lung diseases (use of CPAP, PPOC or POXY)
Sleep therapy devices and oxygen concentrators
Passengers suffering from sleep apnoea who have to use a CPAP device, as well as passengers who require an oxygen concentrator (POC device), may carry these on board in addition to their regular hand baggage. However, please note that such sleep therapy devices must be battery operated. An onboard power supply cannot be guaranteed. We recommend bringing the device description and a certificate of authenticity for presentation at the security gate if requested.
Please register the device by email with our customer service, including the following information:
Brand and model
Dimensions (length x height x depth)
Moreover, you are required to complete our form for air passengers with special assistance requirements and send this to us at least 72 hours before departure. Carriage and entry to your flight is not permitted without previous registration and a certificate of air travel fitness.
In addition, attach a medical certificate stating that the interruption of the oxygen supply during take-off, landing and leaving the seat (critical flight phases) is harmless. This can be done informally on a header sheet with date, signature and stamp by the physician.
Oxygen cylinders
Personal gaseous oxygen cylinders for on-board oxygen supply can generally be carried with you onto the plane. The following conditions of carriage apply for them:
One oxygen cylinder per person.
The oxygen cylinder must not weigh more than 5 kg and must not have more than 200 bars of pressure.
The cylinder, valve and regulator must be protected against damage and external influences when put together and must not be able to release the contents of the cylinder unintentionally.
Please register your oxygen cylinder by emailing Customer Service and providing the technical details for it in your email. Please also attach a medical certificate indicating that you are fit for an interruption of your oxygen supply during take-off and landing and when you leave your seat. This certificate can be a simple letter written by a doctor on his or her letterhead with the date, his or her signature and his or her stamp.
Diabetes mellitus
The following section summarises important information for passengers affected by diabetes mellitus.
Transporting medical equipment
Medical equipment, such as dialysis machines or sleep therapy devices, are carried by us at no extra charge. Security precautions require that these also adhere to the weight and size restrictions on hand baggage. Should your medical equipment exceed these restrictions, we kindly ask you to pack them suitably for transport in the baggage hold.
Please register your medical equipment by email with our customer service, including the following information:
Brand and model
Dimensions (length x heigth x depth)
In the case of Eurowings flights flown by other airlines, separate registration with them is also required.
Illnesses when flying
When travelling to significantly warmer or colder regions, the body requires some time to adapt to the change in climate. A sudden temperature change, especially from cold to warm climes, puts major strain on your circulatory system. The following section includes a selection of helpful tips on acclimatising.
Motion sickness/travel sickness
Changes in pressure, restricted visibility and the motion of the airplane can cause some people to suffer from travel sickness when flying. This can manifest itself in a feeling of nausea or dizziness. The following section offers a selection of tips on dealing with travel sickness.
Travel-associated thrombosis
The following section provides information on possible causes and signs of travel-associated thrombosis. Please use it to decide whether a heightened risk of thrombosis exists for you and what you can do to prevent such a complication during your flight.