Are you travelling with a group, or planning a school trip or a club trip? You can book flights for groups of 10 or more quickly and easily with Eurowings and get many extra advantages. Still no idea where to go? Then get some inspiration now from our most popular group travel destinations.

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Group bookings are not possible while logged into a myEurowings account. Please log out before continuing with your group booking.
Find your flight now for groups of more than 10 people
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Are you a corporate customer or would you like to fly with a school group?
Our 3 most popular destinations for group travel
Frequently asked questions about group bookings with Eurowings
If more than 9 people are travelling together, they qualify as a group for Eurowings.
What is the maximum number of people for whom I can book online at Eurowings?
With our group booking tool you can book a flight for up to 220 people.
Do you or one of the group members need special assistance at the airport or during the flight?