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Fly to Nice during March 2025 for as little as €19*.
From just €19*
Don't miss out on our flight deals if you want to fly to Nice in March 2025. We have flights to Nice (NCE) in March 2025 from just €19*. Simply select your desired departure date in March 2025.
We'll show you all the airports from which you can fly to Nice with us on that date. This makes it quick and easy to find your low-cost flight to Nice in March 2025.
Thursday, 19/12/2024
Friday, 20/12/2024
Saturday, 21/12/2024
Art lovers in particular will adore the city's many museums. Book your Nice (NCE) flights now and discover the museums for local traditions, art and history. The Musée des Beaux Arts is home to art collections from the 16th to the mid-20th century. The Musée Matisse sits on a mountain and houses a private art collection. The Musée d'Art Modern et d'Art Contemporain opened in 1990 and exhibits works by modern and Pop Art artists. There is an exhibition of archaeological excavations in the Musée Archéologique. You can find Gothic and Renaissance furniture in the Musée Prieuré du Vieux Logis.
Those interested in the city's culture will come across some sights on their way through the city. Book your Nice (NCE) flights now and go on a cultural journey of discovery. The 17th century Cathedral of Sainte Réparate symbolises the patron saint of the city. Hotel Negresco, built in 1913, is still a historical monument to this day. The Colline du Chateau, a hill around 90 metres high, is a little quieter. It is also home to some parks and a waterfall. In the evenings, local specialities and regional wines are on the menu in the many restaurants.