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Boka flyg till Rijeka (RJK) med Eurowings för så lite som 49,99 €*.
Rijeka (RJK) and the surrounding region have some interesting features to offer. The Croatian port city offers holidaymakers not only a variety of great sights, but is also close to Kvarner Bay. It is worth hiring a car for this reason alone, as well as to explore the surrounding region. Whereas the city itself can be explored on foot or by bicycle, the routes to the various monuments and historical buildings in the surrounding area are sometimes quite lengthy. A total of 17 city buses take holidaymakers to the individual sights in comfort. Rijeka (RJK) is particularly popular with holidaymakers interested in culture, with its numerous old buildings and walls displaying the city’s long history, steeped in tradition. Rijeka (RJK) is also an excellent destination to spend an entire holiday on – or at least pay a visit to – the island of Krk. Located in the Kvarner Bay, south-east of Rijeka (RJK), Krk is the largest island in Croatia and is very easy to reach by car from the mainland via the Krk bridge near Kraljevica.
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måndag, 2025-03-17
tisdag, 2025-03-18
onsdag, 2025-03-19
The Croatian city has some beautiful sights in store for visitors. Book your Rijeka (RJK) flights now and take a tour through the city. Visitors should note, however, that the summer months of July and August are very hot at around 28 degrees – a city trip can quickly become very tiring very quickly at temperatures like these. A good start for a city tour is the castle of Trsat at over 138 metres. Onwards to the Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat, the largest pilgrimage site in western Croatia. There are fresh fruits and vegetables and other local foods on the bustling Rijeka (RJK) market.
The little city still has more in store not to be missed by visitors. Book your Rijeka (RJK) flights and drive to the astronomical centre of Rijeka (RJK), built in the former Second Word War fortress. The Old Town in particular is very much worth seeing, especially on the weekend when the locals are out in force. From here, you can also reach the hidden alleyways where you'll find many little shops and stores. Other beautiful sights include the torpedo launch ramp, the city cemetery, the archaeological park, the Trsat Stairway and the Molo Longo breakwater.