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Boka flyg till Münster/Osnabrück (FMO) med Eurowings för så lite som 29,99 €*.
With its historic district and lovely surroundings, Münster is one of Germany's most liveable cities. The city gets its youthful and relaxed atmosphere from the university and its 50,000 students. Münster is especially well-known for its early acceptance of bicycle traffic. The "Leeze", as the inhabitants of Münster refer to the bicycle, is the city's major form of transportation and a great way to explore this completely flat city. The equally flat area around the city of Münster is world-famous as the capital of equestrian sport.
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måndag, 2025-03-24
tisdag, 2025-03-25
onsdag, 2025-03-26
The principal market in Münster with its sumptuous High Gothic facades makes a good starting point for a tour by bicycle. The tower of St. Lambert's Church still has three baskets of iron that held the dead bodies of the leaders of Münster's Anabaptist movement while they were on public display in the 16th century. Less gruesome is the beautiful castle of Münster, now the headquarters of the university administration. Another sight to see is the Erbdrostenhof, a Baroque gem in the city centre. For rest and relaxation, denizens of Münster go to the Aasee, where the Mühlenhof open-air museum and an old post mill can be found. The area is a mecca for horseback riders – many riding paths traverse the countryside around Warendorf, the centre of Münster's equestrian culture.
If you travel from the airport to Osnabrück, you will find a city of Westphalian origin here too, even if it is now part of Lower Saxony. As in Münster, the marketplace has many old gabled houses, but the main landmark is the handsome city hall. From its steps, the Westphalian Treaty heralded the end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648. The Bucksturm, the oldest city wall tower dating from the 12th century, held the jail. And then there's the Baroque castle of Osnabrück, which – like that of Münster – houses the university administration. The castle's park is a good spot to relax in. Enjoy your time in Osnabrück!